Writing tutors

Drop by the Writing Centre

Drop-in writing help is available in Murray 142. Check drop-in writing help hours.

Submit Your Work

Submit your writing online for help via email from a tutor.

Book an appointment

Schedule an in-person or online appointment with a writing tutor.

Please, note that we've recently migrated to a new online writing help system. If you experience any issues accessing the form please try to clear your browser history and try again.

Tutors can help you to

  • clarify your goals
  • improve your organization and writing style
  • learn how to outline, draft, and revise your work
  • understand and practice academic writing conventions
  • understand the rules of grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation

Tutors cannot edit or proofread your work (i.e., correct grammar and punctuation).


Writing workshops are scheduled throughout the year. Recordings of past workshops are available.

Additional writing help

Resources for instructors


If you provide an assignment question or writing draft, the tutor will first respond to your priorities. If there is time left, they will provide some other suggestions for strengthening your work.

If you don't provide a draft or assignment, the tutor can still answer your writing questions. For example, you might want to know about formatting in MLA, or you might need a clear explanation and examples of how to write a strong thesis statement. Maybe you have a quick grammar question. We are here to help you!

Note: Tutors cannot edit or proofread your work (i.e., correct the grammar and punctuation). 

Check out our treasure trove of guides, examples and online resources. Not finding what you need? Contact writinghelp@usask.ca.

Yes. The College of Arts and Science offers INTS 103 "Writing for Academic Success" and the Linguistics Department offers LING 110 "Introduction to Grammar" and LING 111 "Structure of Language".

If you are an English language learner, EAP courses are also available.

The English department offers first-year literature and composition courses, as well as creative writing.



The Writing Centre is located in room 142 Murray Library.

Take the elevator or stairs to the first floor, turn right and go past the help desk and rows of computer desks in the Learning Commons. The Writing Centre is in the back (north) corner of the space.

Writing Centre drop-in hours.

See the Murray Library (first floor, south wing) map in the Campus Maps PAWS channel

3 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A4