Indigenous mother holding a baby.

Our legacy

Material relating to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples held in Saskatchewan cultural and heritage collections.

mamātāwi-āpacihcikan ita nānatohk kayas ohci masinahikanis mīna āsay kā-osihcikātēki masinahikanisa aya ohci nistam-iyiniwak, iskipowak, mīna āpihtawi-kosisānak, kā-miskikātēki ita kisiskāciwanihk.

This site is a co-operative initiative by several of Saskatchewan’s publicly-accessible archives. It is intended to increase access to archival material by providing searchable descriptions at a file or item level for materials held in archival collecitons. While primarily archival, the site also includes some published (library) and artifactual (museum) material. Materials have been digitized based on consideration for known copyright, privacy, and particularly, cultural concerns.

A note about language used on this site:
Existing titles have been transcribed verbatim and may include offensive and harmful language. Titles have been retained to accurately provide evidence of the time they were created.

This site was published in 2008 and was contributed to and developed by over 80 individuals and organizations.

Our legacy