Saskatoon: an ephemeral exploration

May - July 2018

Saskatoon2Location: Link Gallery, Murray Library

Curator: Stevie Horn

This exhibit is intended to provide a taste of the history of Saskatoon as presented through its ephemera.

“Ephemera” broadly refers to things that exist or are used or enjoyed only briefly. Within the context of this exhibit, ephemera refers more specifically to written or printed memorabilia which were originally intended for use in the short term. Examples include matchbooks, postcards, programmes, business cards, and much more.

These vestiges were never meant for permanence, and yet they have the ability to trigger our memories, captivate us, and take us back to a Saskatoon we had nearly forgotten, or perhaps one we never got to know. There is something uniquely nostalgic about looking at something that was never intended to last, and yet has, somehow, against all odds, persisted. The objects in this exhibition are humble. They are not rife with information, nor are they breathtakingly visual. But what they offer is a very special, albeit fragile tie to memory and to imagination.

We invite you to visit the Murray Library's link gallery this summer for a break from the sun, and a walk down memory lane. The keen eye will make new discoveries, draw new associations, and uncover new memories each time this exhibit is observed. Rediscover Saskatoon’s history by experiencing (or re-experiencing) it through the things that were left behind.
