The Artwork of Robert Newton Hurley

This summer and fall the University Archives and Special Collections are highlighting the work of Saskatchewan artist, Robert Newton Hurley.

The August-October exhibit is now up, and this summer and fall the University Archives and Special Collections are highlighting the work of Saskatchewan artist, Robert Newton Hurley. This exhibit showcases the vast collection of materials owned by University Archives and Special Collections that were created by the talented Saskatchewan artist, Robert Newton Hurley. Hurley is known for his colourful landscapes depicting the beauty of the prairies, and while the collection does feature a few wonderful examples of these, this exhibit, curated by Amy Putnam, focuses on the lesser known works. Here you will find his pen and pencil sketches of landscapes, people, flora and fauna; colourful abstract pieces, which he called "Hurleyniks"; as well as photos and other biographical memorabilia. To learn more about this British born, but Saskatchewan made artist, check out the Robert Newton Hurley exhibit this fall.