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Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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There are 1,407 documents currently indexed.
Documents 1 to 50 are shown below
ID Document
01058 17 November White House data meeting (November 27, 1967)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: September 10, 1998
00548 24 January 1965 deliberations of Armed Forces Council (January 25, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00562 31 January telephone conversation with Saigon Station (January 31, 1968)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 17, 1984
00547 8 January demonstration in Nha Trang (January 8, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: April 20, 1979
01110 Account of criticism of Soviets by North Vietnamese (December 29, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 11, 1998
00533 Account of present and future activities of US political and civil rights activists (October 17, 1968)
Document Type: Situation information report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
00692 Action against the Diem regime (September 19, 1963)
Document Type: Information report cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 1, 1985
00338 Activities affecting the United Nations (March 30, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 23, 1978
00339 Activities affecting the United Nations (April 1, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 23, 1978
00345 Activities affecting the United Nations (April 10, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 23, 1978
01393 Activities affecting the United Nations (June 22, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: March 22, 1996
00769 Activities of Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese Communists in Kompong Cham Province (October 29, 1969)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00379 Activities of militant Buddhists in preparation for the coming elections (August 2, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00897 Activities of political elements in behalf of Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu as a candidate for the presidency and efforts to form a government front group (February 21, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: April 1, 1993
00532 Activities of possible interest tentatively scheduled for the Fall of 1968 (September 20, 1968)
Document Type: Situation information report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01382 Activities of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NFLSV) (October 10, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: July 21, 1995
00754 Activities, supplies, morale, political and military training of 3rd Khmer Communist Battalion in Svay Rieng Province of Southeastern Cambodia (June 13, 1973)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00523 Additional information on U.S. prisoners of war reportedly held in North Vietnam (1979)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: June 4, 1982
00230 After Laos, South Vietnam (July 14, 1961)
Document Type: Information report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 19, 1977
00928 Agreement between Chief of State Thieu and Prime Minister Ky that Thieu, as President, will be a figurehead and Ky, as Vice President, will retain control after the elections (July 3, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: April 6, 1993
00652 Agreement between Nguyen Khanh and the Young Turks (October 1, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 24, 1985
00151 Alleged concern of majority of general officers that trend of relations with the United States may lead to withdrawal of U.S. aid (December 31, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 27, 1976
01324 Alleged North Vietnamese expression to French of willingness to have U Thant mediate Vietnam solution (August 5, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 16, 1993
01075 Alleged plan of Ngo Dinh Nhu to obtain release of Buddhist monks by fake demonstration in front of American Embassy (September 17, 1963)
Document Type: Information report cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: July 18, 1996
00153 Alleged plotting of Nguyen Khanh with the Buddhists in order to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Tran Van Huong (January 8, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 27, 1976
01412 Alleged Polish North Vietnamese talks on ending Vietnam War (November 19, 1966)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 21, 2001
00251 Alleged regroupment of Viet Cong troops for all-out attack at Da Nang (March 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: December 22, 1976
01125 Alleged sudiste plans to overthrow the Ky government and assassinate Prime Minister Ky (December 21, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 11, 1998
00639 Ambassador Lodge sees the major trouble areas following coup ... (November 1963)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
00147 Ambassador Tran Van [sic] Khiem's willingness to intervene in South Vietnam political situation (December 23, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 24, 1976
00064 An analysis of Thich Tri Quang's possible communist affiliations, personality and goals (August 28, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 24, 1976
00480 Analysis of political situation in South Vietnam on 3/14/66 (March 14, 1966)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 20, 1980
01182 Analysis of the Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Summary discussion (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
00193 Analysis of the Strategic Hamlets' Program and of the montagnard situation in South Vietnam (July 11, 1962)
Document Type: Information report
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: March 30, 1977
01172 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex III: The Communist organization and capability for political subversion in South Vietnam (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01171 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex II: The effects of Soviet and Chinese involvement in the war on the Vietnamese Communists (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01173 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex IV: The ground war in South Vietnam (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01178 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex IX: The Communist view and application of lessons learned in fighting the French (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01174 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex V: The resources and logistic capabilities of the Communists in South Vietnam (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01175 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VI: The morale of the Communist forces (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01176 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VII: Morale among the people in Viet Cong areas (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01177 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VIII: Vietnamese Communist views on the likely length of the war (August 26, 1996)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01179 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex X: The effect of the international political climate on Vietnamese Communist plans and capabilities (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01180 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex XI: The probable near term military and political strategy of the Vietnamese Communists (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
01181 Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex XII: An historical analysis of Asian Communist employment of the political tactic of negotiations (August 26, 1966)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
00842 Analysis of Vietnamese attitudes in wake of Viet Cong attack on Saigon (February 6, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 22, 1991
00984 Announcement by Senators Sung and Hien of plan to form a political block of both houses of the National Assembly and to organize a political party (December 26, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 15, 1995
00429 Anti-government feeling among civilian presidential candidates (August 11, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00479 Anti-government protests in South Vietnam discussed (March 11, 1966)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: August 20, 1980
00110 Apparent Buddhist desire to seek solution to political impasse (December 24, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 24, 1976