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Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.
Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.
ID | Document |
01058 |
17 November White House data meeting
(November 27, 1967) Document Type: Memorandum Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: ORIGINAL Declassified: September 10, 1998 |
00548 |
24 January 1965 deliberations of Armed Forces Council
(January 25, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED |
00562 |
31 January telephone conversation with Saigon Station
(January 31, 1968) Document Type: Memorandum Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: February 17, 1984 |
00547 |
8 January demonstration in Nha Trang
(January 8, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: April 20, 1979 |
01110 |
Account of criticism of Soviets by North Vietnamese
(December 29, 1966) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: June 11, 1998 |
00533 |
Account of present and future activities of US political and civil rights activists
(October 17, 1968) Document Type: Situation information report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
00692 |
Action against the Diem regime
(September 19, 1963) Document Type: Information report cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: June 1, 1985 |
00338 |
Activities affecting the United Nations
(March 30, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: January 23, 1978 |
00339 |
Activities affecting the United Nations
(April 1, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: January 23, 1978 |
00345 |
Activities affecting the United Nations
(April 10, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: January 23, 1978 |
01393 |
Activities affecting the United Nations
(June 22, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: March 22, 1996 |
00769 |
Activities of Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese Communists in Kompong Cham Province
(October 29, 1969) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED |
00379 |
Activities of militant Buddhists in preparation for the coming elections
(August 2, 1967) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 20, 1979 |
00897 |
Activities of political elements in behalf of Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu as a candidate for the presidency and efforts to form a government front group
(February 21, 1967) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: April 1, 1993 |
00532 |
Activities of possible interest tentatively scheduled for the Fall of 1968
(September 20, 1968) Document Type: Situation information report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01382 |
Activities of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NFLSV)
(October 10, 1967) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL Declassified: July 21, 1995 |
00754 |
Activities, supplies, morale, political and military training of 3rd Khmer Communist Battalion in Svay Rieng Province of Southeastern Cambodia
(June 13, 1973) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED |
00523 |
Additional information on U.S. prisoners of war reportedly held in North Vietnam
(1979) Document Type: Memorandum Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL Declassified: June 4, 1982 |
00230 |
After Laos, South Vietnam
(July 14, 1961) Document Type: Information report Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: May 19, 1977 |
00928 |
Agreement between Chief of State Thieu and Prime Minister Ky that Thieu, as President, will be a figurehead and Ky, as Vice President, will retain control after the elections
(July 3, 1967) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: April 6, 1993 |
00652 |
Agreement between Nguyen Khanh and the Young Turks
(October 1, 1964) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 24, 1985 |
00151 |
Alleged concern of majority of general officers that trend of relations with the United States may lead to withdrawal of U.S. aid
(December 31, 1964) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 27, 1976 |
01324 |
Alleged North Vietnamese expression to French of willingness to have U Thant mediate Vietnam solution
(August 5, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: February 16, 1993 |
01075 |
Alleged plan of Ngo Dinh Nhu to obtain release of Buddhist monks by fake demonstration in front of American Embassy
(September 17, 1963) Document Type: Information report cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: July 18, 1996 |
00153 |
Alleged plotting of Nguyen Khanh with the Buddhists in order to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Tran Van Huong
(January 8, 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 27, 1976 |
01412 |
Alleged Polish North Vietnamese talks on ending Vietnam War
(November 19, 1966) Document Type: Cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: June 21, 2001 |
00251 |
Alleged regroupment of Viet Cong troops for all-out attack at Da Nang
(March 1965) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: December 22, 1976 |
01125 |
Alleged sudiste plans to overthrow the Ky government and assassinate Prime Minister Ky
(December 21, 1966) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: June 11, 1998 |
00639 |
Ambassador Lodge sees the major trouble areas following coup ...
(November 1963) Document Type: Memorandum Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
00147 |
Ambassador Tran Van [sic] Khiem's willingness to intervene in South Vietnam political situation
(December 23, 1964) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 24, 1976 |
00064 |
An analysis of Thich Tri Quang's possible communist affiliations, personality and goals
(August 28, 1964) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: May 24, 1976 |
00480 |
Analysis of political situation in South Vietnam on 3/14/66
(March 14, 1966) Document Type: Cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: August 20, 1980 |
01182 |
Analysis of the Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Summary discussion
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
00193 |
Analysis of the Strategic Hamlets' Program and of the montagnard situation in South Vietnam
(July 11, 1962) Document Type: Information report Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: March 30, 1977 |
01172 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex III: The Communist organization and capability for political subversion in South Vietnam
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01171 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex II: The effects of Soviet and Chinese involvement in the war on the Vietnamese Communists
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01173 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex IV: The ground war in South Vietnam
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01178 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex IX: The Communist view and application of lessons learned in fighting the French
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01174 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex V: The resources and logistic capabilities of the Communists in South Vietnam
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01175 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VI: The morale of the Communist forces
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01176 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VII: Morale among the people in Viet Cong areas
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01177 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex VIII: Vietnamese Communist views on the likely length of the war
(August 26, 1996) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01179 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex X: The effect of the international political climate on Vietnamese Communist plans and capabilities
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01180 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex XI: The probable near term military and political strategy of the Vietnamese Communists
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
01181 |
Analysis of the Vietnamese Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Annex XII: An historical analysis of Asian Communist employment of the political tactic of negotiations
(August 26, 1966) Document Type: Report Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: ORIGINAL |
00842 |
Analysis of Vietnamese attitudes in wake of Viet Cong attack on Saigon
(February 6, 1968) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: February 22, 1991 |
00984 |
Announcement by Senators Sung and Hien of plan to form a political block of both houses of the National Assembly and to organize a political party
(December 26, 1968) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: June 15, 1995 |
00429 |
Anti-government feeling among civilian presidential candidates
(August 11, 1967) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 20, 1979 |
00479 |
Anti-government protests in South Vietnam discussed
(March 11, 1966) Document Type: Cable Classification Level: SECRET Copy Status: ORIGINAL Declassified: August 20, 1980 |
00110 |
Apparent Buddhist desire to seek solution to political impasse
(December 24, 1964) Document Type: Intelligence information cable Classification Level: NOT GIVEN Copy Status: SANITIZED Declassified: September 24, 1976 |