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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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34 documents contain the indexing term GO CONG
ID Document
00049 Case for higher guerrilla strengths based on shortcomings in the MACV RITZ Reporting System (May 2, 1968)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: July 16, 1975
01210 Failure of the Viet Cong to establish liberation committees (July 8, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 22, 1991
00019 Intelligence appraisal for the week ending 28 December 1963 (December 30, 1963)
Document Type: Information report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: April 15, 1975
01208 Pacification in the wake of the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam (March 19, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 22, 1990
00013 Security conditions in Kien Hoa province; changes in communist tactics; presence of high level communists in southwest Vietnam (November 22, 1961)
Document Type: Information report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00341 Situation in South Vietnam (April 2, 1965)
Document Type: Monthly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: May 9, 1978
01022 Situation in South Vietnam (December 15, 1965)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 12, 1996
00976 Situation in South Vietnam (October 31, 1966)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: March 4, 1994
00972 Situation in South Vietnam (September 29, 1965)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 24, 1993
00954 Situation in South Vietnam (March 13, 1967)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 3, 1993
00907 Situation in South Vietnam (May 8, 1967)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: April 21, 1993
00881 Situation in South Vietnam (January 19, 1966)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 10, 1991
00312 Situation in South Vietnam (September 9, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 9, 1978
00295 Situation in South Vietnam (August 20, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 6, 1977
00057 Situation in South Vietnam (June 3, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: July 20, 1976
00294 Situation in South Vietnam (July 15, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: March 17, 1977
00292 Situation in South Vietnam (July 1, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: March 17, 1977
00291 Situation in South Vietnam (June 24, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: October 5, 1977
00296 Situation in South Vietnam (August 27, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: October 6, 1977
00290 Situation in South Vietnam (June 17, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 5, 1977
00058 Situation in South Vietnam (June 10, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: July 22, 1976
00100 Situation in South Vietnam (May 20, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 21, 1976
00180 Situation in South Vietnam (January 27, 1965)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: December 12, 1975
00592 Situation in South Vietnam No. 15 (as of 7:00 A.M. EST) (February 5, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 6, 1983
00611 Situation in South Vietnam No. 16 (as of 12:30 P.M. EST) (February 5, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 6, 1983
00738 Situation in the provinces of IV Corps as of 1300 hours on 14 March 1968 (March 14, 1968)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 30, 1987
00933 Situation report covering eight provinces in the northern half of IV corps area as of 3/15/67 (March 30, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: April 27, 1993
01114 South Vietnamese Army today (December 12, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: June 16, 1998
01211 Status of Viet Cong effort to establish liberation committees (July 11, 1968)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 22, 1991
00369 Summary of Viet Cong activities in Go Cong province during June 1967 (July 27, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00368 Summary of Viet Cong activities in IV Corps during June 1967 (July 27, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00186 Viet Cong military activity in South Vietnam (February 10, 1965)
Document Type: Office of Current Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: December 12, 1975
01272 Viet Cong status and propects : 1966-67 Document Type: Report
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 6, 1992
00528 Weekly reports of situation in South Vietnam 4/8-4/29/1964 (April 8, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 17, 1979