Document abstracts from U.S. Declassified Documents Online are included with permission from the Gale Group. U.S. Declassified Documents Online requires a subscription to access. Current USask library patrons can use their NSID and password to access the collection through our subscription. The USask Library cannot provide access to full-text documents for anyone outside our institution. Check with your local library to see if they subscribe.

Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.

Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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18 documents contain the indexing term MU GIA PASS
ID Document
01379 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (1 Jan - 31 Mar 68) (April 1, 1968)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: April 22, 1994
00403 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 14 May) (May 21, 1966)
Document Type: Directorate of Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 25, 1977
00795 Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 18 December 1967) (December 1967)
Document Type: Joint CIA-DIA report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 1987
01387 BARREL ROLL choke point targets (February 13, 1965)
Document Type: Cable
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: October 27, 1992
00554 Buildup of Vietnamese Communist forces continues after resumption of air attacks (February 21, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00556 Comment on General Westmoreland's appraisal of infiltration into South Vietnam (March 21, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00660 Construction of roads will make possible the strengthening of Communist forces in South Vietnam and Southern Laos (October 25, 1965)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: May 7, 1984
00666 Evaluation of alternative programs for bombing North Vietnam (June 1, 1967)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: June 5, 1985
01219 Evidence of continuing Vietnamese Communist war preparations (January 24, 1966)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: June 10, 1991
00572 Increased supplies shipped to Southern North Vietnam (January 6, 1966)
Document Type: Memorandum
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: February 20, 1981
00571 Increased supplies shipped to the southern part of North Vietnam during the fourth quarter of 1965 (December 30, 1965)
Document Type: Intelligence brief
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 19, 1981
00092 Interdiction of Communist infiltration routes in Vietnam (June 24, 1965)
Document Type: Office of Current intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 26, 1976
01201 Problem of reported truck losses in North Vietnam and Laos (July 1, 1968)
Document Type: Report
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: March 2, 1989
01198 Recent activities in Norh Vietnam south of the 20th parallel (July 2, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: December 28, 1988
01197 Recent activities in North Vietnam south of the 20th parallel : 19-25 August 1968 (August 27, 1968)
Document Type: Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: December 28, 1988
00941 Situation in South Vietnam (April 20, 1966)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: October 14, 1993
00316 Situation in South Vietnam (September 16, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 1, 1977
00169 Situation in Vietnam (March 13, 1965)
Document Type: Office of Current Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 19, 1976