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Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.
Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.
ID | Document |
01182 |
Analysis of the Communists' strengths, capabilities, and will to persist in their present strategy in Vietnam. Summary discussion
(August 26, 1966) Report; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL |
01218 |
Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam
(January 21, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991 |
00403 |
Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam (through 14 May)
(May 21, 1966) Directorate of Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: November 25, 1977 |
01222 |
Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam : through 18 July 1967
(July 18, 1967) Report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: July 9, 1991 |
01221 |
Appraisal of the bombing of North Vietnam : through 22 August 1967
(August 22, 1967) Report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: July 9, 1991 |
00171 |
Assessment of present Viet Cong military capabilities
(April 21, 1965) Joint CIA-DIA memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: April 13, 1976 |
00280 |
Attrition of Vietnamese Communist forces, 1968-1969
(March 30, 1968) Joint CIA/DIA report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 26, 1976 |
00283 |
Bloc support of the Communist effort against the Government of Vietnam
(October 5, 1961) Special National Intelligence Estimate; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: July 5, 1977 |
00554 |
Buildup of Vietnamese Communist forces continues after resumption of air attacks
(February 21, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: February 20, 1981 |
00667 |
Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam
(October 21, 1967) National Intelligence Estimate; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 29, 1985 |
00134 |
Capabilities of the Vietnamese Communists for fighting in South Vietnam
(November 13, 1967) Special National Intelligence Estimate; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: December 1, 1975 |
00813 |
Change of mission of US ground forces in South Vietnam
(April 2, 1965) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: November 1, 1988 |
00678 |
CIA Director Richard Helms informs Johnson ...
(May 24, 1968) Memorandum; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 7, 1984 |
00676 |
CIA Director Richard Helms sends President Johnson an introductory note....
(November 14, 1967) Memorandum; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 7, 1984 |
00018 |
CIA plans to send special team to South Vietnam to develop necessary covert resources for info re effectiveness of MRC and public acceptance of new government
(December 23, 1963) Information report; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 15, 1975 |
00484 |
CIA studies of Vietnam situation sent to President Johnson
(June 24, 1965) Letter; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 17, 1981 |
00685 |
CIA study on North Vietnamese manpower
(May 24, 1968) Memorandum; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 25, 1984 |
00556 |
Comment on General Westmoreland's appraisal of infiltration into South Vietnam
(March 21, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: February 20, 1981 |
00520 |
Communist alternatives in Vietnam
(February 29, 1968) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: August 2, 1982 |
00491 |
Communist military posture and capabilities vis-a-vis Souhtheast Asia
(December 31, 1964) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 24, 1976 |
01391 |
Communist military posture and capabilities vis-a-vis Southeast Asia
(December 31, 1964) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: July 2, 1996 |
00660 |
Construction of roads will make possible the strengthening of Communist forces in South Vietnam and Southern Laos
(October 25, 1965) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 7, 1984 |
01330 |
Construction of roads will make possible the strengthening of Communist forces in South Vietnam and Southern Laos
(October 25, 1965) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: July 13, 1993 |
00663 |
Current status of PAVN infiltration to South Vietnam
(April 11, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: July 5, 1984 |
00557 |
Current status of PAVN infiltration to South Vietnam
(April 9, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: February 20, 1981 |
01236 |
Current status of PAVN infiltration to South Vietnam
(April 9, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: September 16, 1992 |
00985 |
Current Viet Cong problems, policies and solutions as of 7/26/67
(July 26, 1967) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: February 22, 1995 |
00159 |
Developments in South Vietnam during the past year
(June 29, 1965) Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: August 25, 1976 |
00670 |
Effects of the intensified air war against North Vietnam
Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 7, 1984 |
00791 |
Effects of the intensified air war against North Vietnam
(August 29, 1967) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: November 1, 1987 |
00666 |
Evaluation of alternative programs for bombing North Vietnam
(June 1, 1967) Memorandum; TOP SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 5, 1985 |
00591 |
Evidence of continuing Vietnamese Communist war preparations
(January 24, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: September 10, 1984 |
01219 |
Evidence of continuing Vietnamese Communist war preparations
(January 24, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991 |
00550 |
Evidence of continuing Vietnamese Communist war preparations : supplement
(January 24, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: February 20, 1981 |
00519 |
Future Communist military strategy in South Vietnam
(February 27, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 20, 1982 |
00669 |
Growing strength of North Vietnamese Army forces in South Vietnam
(March 26, 1968) Memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: July 5, 1984 |
01205 |
Growing strength of North Vietnamese Army forces in South Vietnam
(March 26, 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 22, 1989 |
01417 |
Hanoi's short-term intentions
(July 3, 1969) Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: December 6, 2001 |
00094 |
Hanoi's view of the war
(December 14, 1965) Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: November 22, 1976 |
01401 |
Infiltration and logistics : South Vietnam
(October 28, 1965) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: January 12, 1996 |
01333 |
Infiltration and logistics : South Vietnam
(October 28, 1965) Report; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: November 4, 1993 |
00222 |
Infiltration and logistics : South Vietnam
(October 28, 1965) United States Intelligence Board memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: May 27, 1977 |
00673 |
Infiltration figures for 1966
(January 31, 1967) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 7, 1984 |
01055 |
Infiltration into South Vietnam of 2,000 Viet Cong from North Vietnam
(May 5, 1964) Intelligence information cable; CONFIDENTIAL; SANITIZED Declassified: March 11, 1998 |
00043 |
Infiltration of communist bloc trained sabotage personnel into South Vietnam
(July 12, 1961) Information report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 1974 |
00050 |
Intelligence failures in Vietnam : suggestions for reform
(January 24, 1969) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED |
00092 |
Interdiction of Communist infiltration routes in Vietnam
(June 24, 1965) Office of Current intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: August 26, 1976 |
01038 |
Memo from R.J. Smith, CIA Deputy Director of Intelligence, to Walt W. Rostow, Special Assistant to the President, 11 October 1967
(October 11, 1967) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: September 28, 1995 |
00162 |
North Vietnam is engaged in road building to support military operations in South Vietnam
(March 13, 1964) Supplement to Weekly report; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: July 12, 1976 |
00655 |
North Vietnam support to Viet Cong via Laos
(July 10, 1962) Current intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: July 5, 1984 |
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