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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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18 documents contain the indexing term TON THAT XUNG
ID Document
00064 An analysis of Thich Tri Quang's possible communist affiliations, personality and goals (August 28, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: CONFIDENTIAL
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 24, 1976
00430 Decisions taken by senior generals at meeting on 3 and 4 August 1967 (August 11, 1967)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: September 20, 1979
00231 Details of the 26 and 27 August 1964 meetings of the Military Revolutionary Council (September 1, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00204 General Nguyen Khanh's plans to relinquish his position as Prime Minister in favor of General Duong Van "Big" Minh (July 24, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 10, 1976
00104 Identification of the "Young Turks" group of military commanders and their views concerning General Nguyen Khanh and other matters (October 2, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: July 27, 1976
00210 Indications of weakening military support for Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh (July 28, 1964)
Document Type: Inteligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: May 10, 1976
00027 Khanh coup group considers selection of younger civilian as Prime Minister; four generals flown to Da Nang where they they will be imprisoned (January 31, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00212 Loyalties of the Armed Forces commanders and the possibility of success if a coup d'etat is attempted : situation appraisal as of 31 August 1964 (September 1, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
00237 Reactions of Tran Quoc Buu, Catholic priests and Ton That Xung to coup attempt of General Lam Van Phat (September 13, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: NOT GIVEN
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 12, 1976
00141 Situation in South Vietnam (May 13, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 21, 1976
00139 Situation in South Vietnam (March 20, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: August 9, 1976
00318 Situation in South Vietnam (September 23, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 1, 1977
00504 Situation in South Vietnam (May 7, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 30, 1979
00314 South Vietnam situation report (September 13, 1964)
Document Type: Office of Current Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: ORIGINAL
Declassified: June 9, 1978
00075 Support of senior military officers for a civilian government... (October 27, 1964)
Document Type: Intelligence information cable
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: July 14, 1976
00323 Vietnam checklist for the DCI (October 23, 1964)
Document Type: Vietnam checklist for the DCI
Classification Level: TOP SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: November 8, 1977
00528 Weekly reports of situation in South Vietnam 4/8-4/29/1964 (April 8, 1964)
Document Type: Weekly report
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: January 17, 1979
00105 Young generals' group in South Vietnam (August 8, 1964)
Document Type: Derictorate of Intelligence memorandum
Classification Level: SECRET
Copy Status: SANITIZED
Declassified: July 30, 1976