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Full-text documents may be available online from Texas Tech University's Virtual Vietnam Archive.
Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.
ID | Document |
00825 |
Comments of Lieutenant General Dang Van Quang on differences between the US and GVN over bombing halt negotiations
(November 5, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 9, 1990 |
01368 |
Comments on draft presidential statement
(October 26, 1967) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 15, 1995 |
01361 |
Consequences of a halt in the bombardment of North Vietnam
(October 9, 1967) Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: June 15, 1995 |
01253 |
Discussion of problems of general mobilization and government's position toward preliminary contacts for peace negotiations
(April 12, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 25, 1992 |
00790 |
Effects of the Rolling Thunder program and North Vietnam's reaction to the bombing pause
(February 2, 1966) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; ORIGINAL Declassified: November 1, 1987 |
00823 |
Enthusiastic reaction of Assembly members to Thieu speech
(November 4, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 9, 1990 |
01219 |
Evidence of continuing Vietnamese Communist war preparations
(January 24, 1966) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 10, 1991 |
01029 |
Further views of Vice President Ky on the prsent bombing halt negotiations
(October 23, 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: July 2, 1996 |
01231 |
Hanoi's motives
(April 3, 1968) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: May 5, 1992 |
00444 |
Hanoi's reaction to the bombing lull
(January 18, 1966) Office of Current Intelligence memorandum; TOP SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: March 13, 1979 |
01245 |
Intelligence contingency planning for the Vietnam theater
(September 10, 1966) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 25, 1992 |
00824 |
Labor Minister's belief that a South Vietnamese delegation will go to Paris...
(November 4, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 9, 1990 |
01283 |
North Vietnamese explanation of alteration in DRV demand for U.S. acceptance of four points
(February 21, 1967) Inteligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: April 1, 1993 |
01158 |
North Vietnamese intentions toward the negotiations as presented by the North Vietnamese Ambassador
(May 13, 1968) Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: October 22, 1999 |
01048 |
North Vietnamese reaction to a total bombing halt ...
(November 26, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 27, 1996 |
01250 |
North Vietnamese views on negotiations
(April 8, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 4, 1992 |
00755 |
Official reaction in Cambodia to the impending U.S. bombing halt 8/73
(July 11, 1973) Memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: February 19, 1987 |
01249 |
Official reactions to the President's 31 March announcements : received 2 April 1968
(April 2, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: August 4, 1992 |
01410 |
President Thieu's comments on President Johnson's Vietnam speech
(April 4, 1968) Cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: October 13, 1999 |
00868 |
President Thieu's comments on President Johnson's Vietnam speech
(April 4, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 4, 1992 |
01011 |
President Thieu's views concerning the bombing halt and the Paris talks
(October 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: January 18, 1996 |
01152 |
President Thieu's views on probable North Vietnamese demands during forthcoming peace talks
(April 6, 1968) Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: October 13, 1999 |
00871 |
President Thieu's views on probable North Vietnamese demands during forthcoming peace talks
(April 6, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 4, 1992 |
01012 |
President Thieu's views regarding the issues involved in agreeing to a bombing halt
(October 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: January 18, 1996 |
01225 |
Presidential views concerning the bombing halt and the Paris Talks
(October 29, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: January 11, 1993 |
01141 |
Reaction in Hanoi to speech by President Johnson
(April 2, 1968) Intelligence information cable; SECRET; SANITIZED Declassified: June 30, 1999 |
01248 |
Reaction in Hanoi to speech by President Johnson
(April 2, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: August 4, 1992 |
01013 |
Reactions of the GVN and Vice President Ky concerning the proposed bombing halt
(October 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: January 18, 1996 |
01045 |
Reactions to continuation or termination of the pause in air attacks on the DRV
(January 19, 1966) Memorandum; SECRET; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 4, 1997 |
01212 |
Reactions to Johnson's 10/31/68 announcement of a total bombing halt
(November 6, 1968) Report; CONFIDENTIAL; ORIGINAL Declassified: February 25, 1991 |
01198 |
Recent activities in Norh Vietnam south of the 20th parallel
(July 2, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 28, 1988 |
01196 |
Recent activities in North Vietnam : 12-18 August 1968
(August 20, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 28, 1988 |
01199 |
Recent activities in North Vietnam south of the 20th parallel
(July 30, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 28, 1988 |
01197 |
Recent activities in North Vietnam south of the 20th parallel : 19-25 August 1968
(August 27, 1968) Intelligence memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 28, 1988 |
01195 |
Recent North Vietnamese activities between the 19th and 20th parallels
(May 14, 1968) Memorandum; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: December 28, 1988 |
01262 |
Remarks of North Vietnamese representative on possible meeting sites for United States-North Vietnamese talks and subjects to be treated in the talks
(April 18, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: June 25, 1992 |
01044 |
Survey of Communist Bloc broadcasts : 23 December 1965 - 5 January 1966
(January 6, 1966) Report; CONFIDENTIAL; ORIGINAL Declassified: April 4, 1997 |
01139 |
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Luu Loi's statements on Hanoi's position regarding negotiations on the Vietnam War
(April 30, 1968) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 5, 1992 |
00822 |
Vice President Ky's reaction to President Johnson's bombing halt speech
(November 2, 1968) Cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: May 9, 1990 |
01339 |
View that preconditions for negotiations on Vietnam are cessation of bombing, de-escalation of hostilities, recognition of Viet Cong, and agreement that objectives are implementation of Geneva Agreement and a neutralized government in Vietnam
(February 23, 1966) Intelligence information cable; NOT GIVEN; SANITIZED Declassified: November 18, 1993 |
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