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Foreign shipping to North Vietnam in March 1967
Date of Creation:
April 1967
Date of Declassification:
April 13, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligence memorandum
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
22 p.
Soviet ships delivered nearly 96,200 tons of cargo (68 percent of identified seaborne imports), 82,800 tons of which were of Soviet origin. Soviet-supplied petroleum imports totalling nearly 24,700 tons were supplemented by a 2,800-ton shipment of gasoline in drums from Communist China aboard a British-flag ship. March was the third successive month in which China has shipped petroleum to North Vietnam on Free World ships. A comparison of data for the first quarters of 1966 and 1967 shows a 125-percent increase in imports carried to North Vietnam by foreign ships. Imports of bulk foods increased more than three times. Imports of POL and of miscellaneous and general cargoes more than doubled, and imports of fertilizer increased about 85 percent. During the same period, exports declined 46 percent, largely because of airstrike damage that inhibited seaborne shipments of apatite and coal. The role of Soviet shipping in North Vietnam's maritime trade became increasingly significant in the first quarter of 1967. During this period, Soviet ships carried about two-thirds of North Vietnam's seaborne imports and accounted for more than half of of the gross tonnage of foreign ships calling at North Vietnam.
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