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Viet Cong intentions to increase military activity in Kontum Province during the 1967 rainy season
Date of Creation:
April 22, 1967
Date of Declassification:
April 5, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
6 p.
Viet Cong intentions to increase military activity during the rainy season in Kontum Province are revealed in VC propaganda speeches emphasizing economic support, construction of village defenses and an apparent attempt to improve cadre morale. The VC have placed a higher than normal emphasis on the collection and storage of salt. Villagers are being encouraged to construct shelter trenches to protect themselves in anticipation of Government of Vietnam reactions to VC increased military activity. In an apparent attempt to improve VC morale, VC propaganda themes are promising the impending arrival of large North Vietnamese Army units, although their identifying designations were not disclosed. The VC are also predicting the "liberation" of Kontum Province during the 1967 rainy season. An unidentified "two-star VC general" recently delivered a "moral-lifting" speech to assembled cadres at a VC secret base in Quang Ngai Province.
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