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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Situation in South Vietnam
Date of Creation:
May 7, 1964
Date of Declassification:
November 30, 1979
Type of Document:
Weekly report
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
30 p., ill., 1 map
The situation in South Vietnam between 30 April and 6 May 1964. Political situation: Khanh seeking increased US commitment in South Vietnam; increased stress placed on military manpower shortages; government moves effectively to stimulate public support; Khanh's disposition of the imprisoned generals marred by press leak; new press regulations may improve Vietnamese journalism while veiling government censorship; Minh rejects Can's clemency plea; Hoan dissatisfied with pacification program; Hoan continues efforts to form united political front; I Corps Commander warns of Buddhist demonstrations; Khanh reportedly seeking balance between VNQDD and Dai Viet; no coup plots reported; Saigon port security deteriorates; USNS Card sabotaged; Polish ICC team member wounded in Viet Cong attack. Military situation: No general increase in Viet Cong activity noted; tempo of ARVN ground operations increases; pacification program moves slowly out of planning stage; corps-by-corps activity. Economic situation: budget reform problems again delay Oanh's US visit; interministerial meeting discusses land reform. Third country developments: France: no new developments in GVN-French relations reported; Laos: still no official GVN comment on Laos coup; Cambodia: Cambodians circulate note at UN on GVN border violations. Developments in the Bloc: North Vietnam: Laotian Communists continue to receive substantial supply from North Vietnam, some of which may be intended for the Viet Cong; Hanoi-Vinh rail line nears completion. Annex: North Vietnam reconstructs North-South rail line.
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