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Departure of Phoumi - Siho party for Bangkok
Date of Creation:
February 11, 1965
Date of Declassification:
January 5, 1985
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
2 p.
Lao generals Phoumi Nosavan and Siho Lanphouthakoul and six Lao officers, who had fled to Thailand for safety, left Udon for Bangkok on the morning of 11 February 1965. The group traveling to Bangkok with Phoumi and Siho included the following men: Police Lieutenant Colonel Khamfanh Phisanoukanh, the former Commander of Vientiane Provincial Police; Police Lieutenant Colonel Wanchai Khamsopha, former Assistant Director for Immigration Police; Army Major Nonsay, Phoumi's aide; Army Captain Phoupatsanay Rattanavong, Phoumi's nephew and intelligence aide; Army Captain Phoumaly Nasavan, Phoumi's nephew; and Police Lieutenant Khounmi, Phoumi's aide. Police Lieutenant Colonels Khamphoui Sayarth, a psychological warfare expert, and Pany Phonethipsavath, former Secretary General of National Police, were to move from Udon to Bangkok when housing became available.
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