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Efforts of Khmer insurgents to exploit for propaganda purposes damage done by airstrikes in Kandal province
Date of Creation:
April 20, 1973
Date of Declassification:
February 19, 1987
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
Khmer insurgents (KI) cadre have begun an intensified proselyting campaign among ethnic Cambodian residents in the area of Chrouy Snao, Kaoh Thom district, Kandal province, Cambodia in an effort to recruit young men and women for KI military organizations. They are using damage caused by B-52 strikes as the main theme of their propaganda. The cadre tell the people that the government of Lon Nol has requested the airstrikes and is responsible for the damage and the "suffering of innocent villagers" in order to keep himself in power, the only way to stop the "massive destruction of the country" is to remove Lon Nol and return Prince Sihanouk to power, the proselyting cadres tell the people that the quickest way to accomplish this is to strengthen KI forces so they will be able to defeat Lon Nol and stop the bombing.
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