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Vietnamese Communist involvement in Khmer Rouge attacks on Cambodian Army units
Date of Creation:
August 8, 1969
Date of Declassification:
February 19, 1987
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
The military situation in eastern Ratanakiri Province was very tense in late June 1969 as Cambodian Army (FARK) units were constantly involved in clashes with Khmer Rouge units. The fighting was intense because the Khmer Rouge were armed with modern weapons of all types which had been supplied by the Vietnamese. Most of the Khmer Rouge attacks were taking place in the areas of Ba Kham, Bo Kheo and Voeune Sai, and usually occurred at night since the Khmer Rouge feared air attacks by two combat aircraft positioned at Lomphat. The FARK had stepped up recruitment efforts in order to form additional units to use against the Khmer Rouge. The fighting had caused a shortage of rice, and its cost had risen to 850-900 Riels per 100 kilogram sacks.
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