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Plans and activities of Tran Kim Tuyen's coup group
Date of Creation:
August 21, 1963
Date of Declassification:
June 28, 1991
Type of Document:
Information report cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
On 21 August 1963 Tran Kim Tuyen's coup group planned to effect a coup d'etat that same night. The Tuyen group claimed the support of several military units, including the airborne and marine brigades, and the military leaders refused to delay the coup any longer. One of the coup leaders stated that the proclamation of martial law by Major General Tran Van Don did not affect the Tuyen's group planning and, in fact, this development was "good". On 19 August the Tuyen group claimed to have been directing Buddhist activities and up to that time planning to use the Buddhists as an element in the coup attempt. On 10 August Tuyen made known the names of some of the members of his proposed government.
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