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Government of Vietnam analysis of war situation and draft of a presidential candidacy platform
Date of Creation:
May 16, 1967
Date of Declassification:
April 5, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
4 p.
Some time before 10 May 1967 Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky circulated to members of his cabinet two top secret documents, both unnumbered and undated and of unknown authorship. The documents were to be used as a basis for discussions between Ky and his colleagues on 11 May 1967. The first document, entitled "Situational Review", examines the war situation and includes some conclusions. The second document, entitled "Four-year Program of Activities", is a preliminary outline of a platform for a presidential candidate, presumably Ky.
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