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Belief of III Corps Commander Le Nguyen Khang that Prime Minister Ky did not discuss peace negotiations with visiting Indonesian Delegation
Date of Creation:
January 9, 1967
Date of Declassification:
February 8, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
4 p.
On 28 December 1966, at military and political briefings at III Corps Headquarters and at the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) 7th Regiment, the Government of Vietnam (GVN) Ambassador to Malaysia introduced a visiting military delegation of Indonesian Army officers as being Malaysian. It became evident at both places, however, that the officers were Indonesian, and the Ambassador explained that the subterfuge was for political reasons, since Indonesia does not have diplomatic relations with South Vietnam. The Indonesians seemed to be impressed with ARVN morale and progress in the military war, but not with progress in the political war. Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky later told Gen. Khang that the Indonesians were on a fact-finding tour to explore the possibilities of renewing diplomatic relations with South Vietnam. Gen. Khang does not believe that Ky used the Indonesian visit for peace negotiations, and does believe that, if Ky were to engage in any uncoordinated peace "offensives" in the future, he would lose whatever support he has among ARVN officers. Khang feels certain that, if the GVN did not coordinate the visit with United States officials, this was an oversight. Ho got the impression that Ky does not respect the Indonesians, who are "sitting on the fence" because thay cannot yet predict the outcome of the war.
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