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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Pledges of support for Prime Minister Ky's presidential candidacy by I Corps commanding general and Vietnam Nationalist Party leaders
Date of Creation:
April 19, 1967
Date of Declassification:
April 5, 1993
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
6 p.
Members of Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky's personal staff recently visited the I Corps area to seek support for Ky's presidential candidacy. The visit is considered to have been a success and Ky is reportedly assured the suport of I Corps Commander Major General Hoang Xuan Lam as well as of important elements of the Vietnam Nationalist Party (VNQDD). General Lam promised to use his influence to persuade Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu not to compete for the presidency and also to persuade Ha Thuc Ky to withdraw in favor of Nguyen Cao Ky in exchange for the Prime Minister's support of the Revolutionary Dai Viet leader for election to the Upper House.
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