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Learn more about the project: Lam, Vinh-The, and Darryl Friesen. "A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam War." Online 28, no. 4 (2004): 31-35.

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Comments on the expected arrival in Paris of a government of South Vietnam delegation to the peace talks and that of Madame Nguyen Thi Binh the head of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLFSV).
Date of Creation:
November 8, 1968
Date of Declassification:
November 30, 1992
Type of Document:
Intelligence information cable
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
2 p.
A delegation of the GVN would arrive in Paris on 20 November to participate in peace negotiations. Although the GVN delegation would be seated at the side of the Americans, it would demand direct conversations with the representatives of Hanoi on certain topics concerning relations between the North and South and would not permit the American delegation speak for it. According to press reports, GVN Premier Tran Van Huong said on 7 November that Saigon would join the peace talks if Hanoi made a "goodwill gesture." He said there were three ways to make the gesture, namely, by respecting the Demilitarized Zone, stopping rocket attacks on South Vietnamese cities, and accepting direct talks with Saigon.
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