There are 78 titles the category Mathematical Sciences - Mathematical Physics

  1. MPEJ (ISSN: 1086-6655)
  2. Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems (ISSN: 1561-4085,EISSN: 1817-2458)
  3. Nonlinearity (ISSN: 0951-7715,EISSN: 1361-6544)
  4. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications (ISSN: 1040-7782,EISSN: 1521-0634)
  5. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals (ISSN: 1040-7790,EISSN: 1521-0626)
  6. PAMM (Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics) (EISSN: 1617-7061)
  7. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A (ISSN: 0264-3820,EISSN: 2053-9231)
  8. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character (ISSN: 0264-3952,EISSN: 2053-9258)
  9. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (ISSN: 0080-4614,EISSN: 2054-0272)
  10. Physica Scripta (ISSN: 1402-4896,EISSN: 0031-8949)
  11. Physics in technology (ISSN: 0305-4624,EISSN: 1747-3888)
  12. Physics-Uspekhi (ISSN: 1063-7869,EISSN: 1468-4780)
  13. Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A (ISSN: 0370-1298,EISSN: 1747-3829)
  14. Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B (ISSN: 0370-1301,EISSN: 1747-3837)
  15. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 1364-5021,EISSN: 1471-2946)
  16. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character (ISSN: 0950-1207,EISSN: 2053-9150)
  17. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0033-5614,EISSN: 1464-3855)
  18. Reports on Mathematical Physics (ISSN: 0034-4877,EISSN: 1879-0674)
  19. Reports on Progress in Physics (ISSN: 0034-4885,EISSN: 1361-6633)
  20. Representation Theory (ISSN: 1088-4165)
  21. Reviews in Mathematical Physics (ISSN: 0129-055X,EISSN: 1793-6659)
  22. Russian Mathematical Surveys (ISSN: 0036-0279,EISSN: 1468-4829)
  23. Science in China Series A: Mathematics (ISSN: 1006-9283,EISSN: 1862-2763)
  24. Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis (ISSN: 0036-1410,EISSN: 1095-7154)
  25. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (ISSN: 0040-5779,EISSN: 1573-9333)
  26. Topology (Oxford) (ISSN: 0040-9383,EISSN: 1879-3215)
  27. Transactions of the Optical Society (ISSN: 1475-4878,EISSN: 1747-3853)
  28. Wave Motion (ISSN: 0165-2125,EISSN: 1878-433X)