Saskatchewan Resources for Sexual Diversity
WelcomeSaskatchewan Resources for Sexual and Gender Diversity is a website developed and maintained by the University of Saskatchewan Archives & Special Collections of the University of Saskatchewan Library with the support of many interested individuals and institutions. Our generous contributors are listed in the Credits section. The project seeks, in as many formats as possible, to provide access to and information about resources concerning sexual and gender diversity issues. Visitors exploring the site will discover video clips, audio files, finding aids to manuscript collections, personal memoirs, chronologies, links to web resources, journal indexes and bibliographies. The site’s particular focus is material relating to the experience of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities in Saskatchewan. Most of the physical resources can be found at participating Saskatchewan libraries and archives. The LatestOf potential interest to researchers are the three fully searchable resources hosted by the U of S Library listed below: Celebrating a History of Diversity: Lesbian and Gay Life in Saskatchewan, 1971 - 2006. A Selected Annotated Chronology, by Neil Richards, 2005-2006. GAY CANADA: A Bibliography and Videography, 1984-2008. Revised and expanded ed.; compiled by Alex Spence, 2009. Perceptions: the First Twenty-Two Years, 1983 - 2004: an Index to the Canadian Gay & Lesbian Newsmagazine compiled by Alex Spence, 2005. Send questions and comments to |
“No social movement can survive without two important elements: an
intellectual framework, and a collective memory....We are what has
happened to us, and therefore the record of the experience is essential
in the process of becoming, and in the establishment of identity.” |