Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

Publisher:Sage Publications, Inc.
Categories:Business, Economy and Management - Business Management
Business, Economy and Management - Economics
Available online:AvailabilityUsage Restrictions
ABI/INFORM CollectionAvailable from 1998/01/01 until 2007/04/30E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
Education DatabaseAvailable from 1998/01/01 until 2007/04/30E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
Gale Academic OneFile SelectAvailable from 2002/06/01 until 2010/05/31E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
Sage CRKN CollectionAvailable from 2002/06/01 volume: 9 issue: 1E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info