
Categories:Arts and Humanities - Education & Careers
Arts and Humanities - Performing Arts, Travel and Leisure
Health Sciences - General and Others
Health Sciences - Medical Education, Training & Research
Social Sciences - Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling
Social Sciences - Disability Studies & Assistance
Social Sciences - Sociology
Available online:AvailabilityUsage Restrictions
EBSCOhost Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine SourceAvailable from 1963/12/01
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Taylor & Francis Journals CompleteAvailable from 2012/01/01 volume: 64 issue: 01 until 2019/12/31 volume: 71 issue: 4E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
EBSCOhost SPORTDiscus with Full TextAvailable from 1963/12/01
Most recent 1 year(s) not available
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Available in the library:
UofS Library CatalogueAvailable from 1964 until 2010