Picture of  DeDe Dawson

DeDe Dawson BSc, MSc, MLIS Faculty Rank: Librarian

Open scholarship librarian

Pronouns: she/her

180.6 Science Library


I have an academic background in the sciences: biology (BSc) and earth sciences (MSc). My masters thesis research was in the field of invertebrate paleontology (phylogenetics of Silurian graptolites) and I worked for several years in the paleobiology laboratories of the Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, in Toronto. I joined the University Library in 2009 as a science librarian supporting the research, teaching, and learning needs of faculty, staff, and students in the sciences. I also have a special interest in scholarly communication issues and provide support for authors in many publishing-related topics such as making their articles open access through journals and repositories.


My research program is related to all aspects of advocating for a transition to a more equitable, ethical, and sustainable system of scholarly communication. The focus of much of my research and professional practice activity has been related to my passion for advancing open scholarship and specifically in supporting researchers in making their research publications open access. 

Research Areas: Scholarly Communication, Open Access, Open Science/Scholarship

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