University Library



I am the current Librarian for the College of Law and the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, and I’m here to support the students from these Colleges.

I have taught Legal Research at the College of Law for fourteen years. As a result of teaching, I have developed a strong research interest in legal history and how to access legal information using both print and digital formats. I have been participating in the University Library’s strategic plan to transform its libraries on campus, examining how to better use library spaces in light of the digital age in which we now live. I am also a participant in the Saskatchewan Access to Legal Information Project.

I have published and presented co-authored works on electronic legal citators, spyware and legal tax databases.  Areas of research interest include the impact of technology on the practice of law in the north, medieval law and evidence-based librarianship.  In 2014-2015 while on sabbatical I visited the UK and researched the origins of legal headnotes and visited numerous libraries in London, Oxford and Cambridge. My article, The Legal Headnote and the History of Law Reporting, was published in the Canadian Law Library Review, Spring 2017, Vol. 42(1), p.10.

Throughout my career at the University of Saskatchewan, I fostered strong relations with Library Administration and the College of Law Faculty, the Native Law Centre of Canada, the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and the broader academic community.  It has be a privilege to have served for three years on University Council as a member of the Academic Programs Committee and the Planning and Priorities Committee for two years.

One of the highlights of my career was spending three years in Canada’s North as the Courthouse Librarian for the Northwest Territories Department of Justice. Based in Yellowknife, I travelled to satellite libraries in Hay River, Inuvik and Iqaluit. This position gave me experience of providing library services to distant locations and also to traveling judges, and have learned about different Aboriginal cultures in Canada’s northern regions. This background has been beneficial as the Law Library is supporting the College of Law’s Nunavut Law Program.

I enjoy learning about different cultures and love to travel. In 1988 I taught English in Zimbabwe as a participant of Canadian Crossroads International and travelled to South Africa. Other positions I have held include my role as Librarian for the Policing in British Columbia Commission of Inquiry with the Honourable Mr. Justice Wally T. Oppal, Commissioner and as a Librarian with Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development (Vancouver). I also have experience in the Vancouver and Surrey public library systems. 

My library guides