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Reactions of the GVN and Vice President Ky concerning the proposed bombing halt
Date of Creation:
October 1968
Date of Declassification:
January 18, 1996
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
3 p.
Ambassador Bunker had informed Thieu that the DRV had offered, in exchange for a US bombing halt, to respect the DMZ, to launch no attacks against major cities in SVN, and to accept a GVN presence at the Paris talks. At a meeting called by Thieu of key GVN officials including Ky, Foreign Minister Thanh seemed concerned only with getting his delegation off to Paris while Thieu appeared worried and uncertain. Ky called the first two DRV offers concessions of very limited military value since the DRV was already unable to cause much trouble in these areas. The third point, Ky said, was really no concession at all unless the DRV would also agree to exclude the NLF from the talks. For the past two days Ky has sought to find a policy which preserves the "Vietnamese identity" without jeopardizing the GVN's vital ties to the US or giving comfort to the DRV.
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