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Continuing Communist military threat in Northern South Vietnam
Date of Creation:
March 13, 1968
Date of Declassification:
March 11, 1983
Type of Document:
Intelligence memorandum
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
9 p.
Some significant redeployments of enemy units in South Vietnam's northern provinces have been noted during the past two weeks. These include the shift of major elements of North Vietnamese 320th Division from the central Demilitarized Zone into the coastal lowlands of Quang Tri Province and the southward movement of additional forces from the 324th Division to join a heavy enemy build-up near Hue. Although the movement of the 320th Division reduces the possibility that it will be used directly against Khe Sanh, the situation at that base remains essentially unchanged. A large concentration of enemy troops--perhaps as many as 20,000 men--still threatens Khe Sanh. Available evidence indicates that the enemy build-up near Hue may approach the size of the enemy forces around Khe Sanh. In addition, the Communists have continued extensive roadbuilding and logistics efforts in western Thua Thien Province and introduced tanks and apparently artillery into staging arms southwest of Hue. All indications point to an enemy desire to take on allied forces in Quang Tri and Thua Thien provinces in what would amount to conventional warfare in the coming weeks and months. The Communists appear to be aiming for a major victory in the northern provinces, presumably to strengthen their hand either for carrying on the war or for any possible negotiations.
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