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Comments of Lieutenant General Dang Van Quang on differences between the US and GVN over bombing halt negotiations
Date of Creation:
November 5, 1968
Date of Declassification:
May 9, 1990
Type of Document:
Level of Classification:
Status of Copy:
Pagination, Illustration:
5 p.
Lieutenant General Dang Van Quang, Special Assistant to President Nguyen Van Thieu, believes that although the GVN accepts the cessation of bombing based on military considerations, it believes that the US erred politically when it linked a bombing halt to political considerations which were not satisfactorily negotiated. US pressure placed on South Vietnam to reach a political understnading and attend the 6 November Paris session resulted in a great loss of face by the GVN and the people. Quang believed that the GVN cannot compromise its position of insisting that in future talks the National Liberation Front representatives attend as part of the Hanoi delegation and that the North Vietnam delegation recognize the GVN as a separate and equal party to the negotiations. Quang indicated that the GVN will insist that the forthcoming political talks must be separated from the negotiattions which led to the bombing halt and that protocol requirements for formal international conferences be applied. Quang believes that President Nguyen Van Thieu's decision to take a hard stand was entirely his own and not the result of his consultation with his staff, ministers, or Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky.
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