Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society

Publisher:Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Categories:Agriculture Sciences - Food Science and Technology
Chemistry - Chemical Engineering
Chemistry - General and Others
Engineering - Chemical Engineering
Engineering - Food Science and Technology
Available online:AvailabilityUsage Restrictions
Canadian Research Knowledge Network SpringerLink CurrentAvailable from 1997 volume: 74 issue: 1 until 2017 volume: 94 issue: 12E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
Wiley Online Library All JournalsAvailable from 1996 volume: 73 issue: 1E-Reserve CMS Course Packs Link Print More Info
Available in the library:
UofS Library CatalogueAvailable from 1998 volume: 75 until 2008 volume: 85
Available from 1947 volume: 24 until 1997 volume: 74